Perth Wildcats and Sportpunter clients are the NBL Champions

713052-nbl-grand-final-game-3-perth-v-adelaide-484525165The Perth Wildcats are the Australian basketball champions, defeating Adelaide in a best of three playoff. But the real champions are the subscribers who signed up to Sportpunter’s NBL model this season. It was nice way to finish what has been a massively successful betting season with a small unders victory in the final match of the year.

The record for the year speaks for itself (as shown here).

Head to head betting made 22.6% ROI from 104 bets, totals made 17.5% ROI from 77 bets and line betting made 18.1% ROI from 91 bets. Incredible results.

In fact if you look a little closer, handicap betting has been extremely consistent at winning big since we have been recording it. 18%, 13% and 15% return of investments have been made each year accordingly.

We will be doing a breakup analysis of the results before the start of the next season, but just wanted to do a quick final summary of the season just gone.

If only Australian Basketball was played all year*
Looking forward to the next season indeed.

*It kinda is. Check out our European Basketball model, which has made 5.7% ROI line betting from over 5000 bets, and 4.2% ROI totals betting from nearly 5400 bets.

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