Betfair Multi Deal

betfairBetfair have a new deal on their multi’s. If you make a five way multi bet before the 25th of Jan, then if you only get 4 of the multi’s correct, then betfair will refund your stake. Put simply, its a good deal.

If for example, we bet on five tennis players at 1.10 and lets assume that there is an 89% chance that each one of them will get up, this gives the bookmaker with a 2.1% edge.

However, the chances of all five coming home are 0.89^5 = 56%. The chances of four getting home is 5 * 0.89^4 * 0.11 = 34.5%. The odds one would get multing five 1.10 players together is 1.61

Hence, the expected return from a $20 bet is equal to $4.89. That means you have a 24% edge using the free return of the bet if four get through.

Only $20 can be refunded, and the bets have to be all on tennis. Click here to bet with betfair.

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2 Responses to Betfair Multi Deal

  1. Brett says:

    Is that $20 per bet? Or $20 all up?

  2. sportpunter says:

    its a multibet, so a $20 bet. If you are not a member, sign up above. If you are, you should have got an email with a link where you have to opt in.

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