Good news on online gambling

Bookmaker Stan Jambookmakeres is set to sell their company. They are citing the recession and new online competitors as the reason. Looks like they failed to keep up with the competition. They also said that large payments to online bookies was another reason why they made a loss last year.

In other news PinnacleSports CEO has resigned, so maybe Pinnacle will get a new face lift?

The US might be getting an internet facelift as a new study has shown that the internet gambling ban has failed. Up to $42 billion could be gained by the government if sensible online gambling is allowed and monitored, according to this study.

All the signs are there, that US Gambling will come back. Betfair has even set up an operation in the US for the projected online gambling arrival. And why not when the forecasted online gambling turnover is expected to skyrocket as shown here. Check out the graph.

Either way, punters winning, more bookmaker competition and the US back in the market, all spells good news.

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